To contact Bioplace’s customer service, select the Contact support button and we can help you with account, shop, or purchasing issues.
We’ll connect you with the type of support that’s the best fit for your specific question: chat, phone, or email.
You must sign in to your Bioplace account to contact Bioplace Support. This helps us verify your identity and provide you with quicker customer service. If you can’t sign in and need to contact Bioplace Support, follow the steps in this article.
You can also register for an account if you don’t already have one.
If you have questions about an item you’re interested in, the seller is the best person to help you.
Question about an order you’ve already placed? Choose your order for help.
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Bioplace does not have a phone number to call for customer service. Phone support can only be safely requested through Bioplace’s Contact support form. Don’t call phone numbers you see circulating on the internet as they may not be legitimate.
Bioplace Support won’t make unrequested phone calls without prior notification. If you receive an unexpected phone call from someone claiming to be Bioplace Support, hang up and reach out to Bioplace through the Contact support form if you need help.
If you receive an onsite message, email, or phone call from someone claiming to be Bioplace, there are a few ways you can verify the authenticity of the message.
Learn how to handle scams and suspicious messages.
If you have a question about your Payment account, you can most likely find the answer in our Help Center.
Here’s some resources about finances on Bioplace:
If you had a listing removed by Bioplace or your account is suspended due to a policy issue, we can point you to what to do next.
Here are some resources for resolving a policy or suspension issue:
Quick answer
If you need help with your order:
Choose your order
If you contacted the seller more than 48 hours ago, choose Open a case so Bioplace can help you. For qualifying orders, you’ll receive a refund for any item that doesn’t arrive, arrives damaged, or doesn’t match the item description or photos.
If you need help with an order, the seller you purchased your order from is the best person to help you. Sellers can help if you need to:
To get help with your order:
On the Bioplace app:
The seller can usually answer any questions you have about your order. If the seller is unable to help you, you’ll need to open a case with Bioplace in order to get further assistance. With Bioplace’s Purchase Protection program for qualifying orders, you’ll receive a full refund for your item if it doesn’t arrive, arrives damaged, or isn’t as described. Learn more about how to open a case with Bioplace.
If you checked out as a guest, you’ll need to link your order to a Bioplace account in order to open a case with Bioplace. Find out how you can link your guest order to an Bioplace account.
You can leave a review from your Purchases page:
Go to my Purchases
To leave a review:
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On Bioplace, 1 star is the lowest and 5 stars is the highest. A product rating is the average of the reviews the product or service received in the past 12 months. We suggest the following qualifications:
Choose a star rating and describe your experience. The more detailed your review, the more helpful it will be to other shoppers on Bioplace. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to qualify your experience in both cases, whenever positive or negative opinions. Your display name and link to your public Bioplace profile will be publicly displayed in the seller’s reviews.
On Bioplace, you can choose to recommend or to not recommend a shop upon your business experience with it qualifying your overall commercial transaction(s).
If you don’t see Review this item next to your order in Purchases and reviews, there are a few reasons why you may not be able to leave a review:
You can edit the star rating, photograph, and the written note any number of times during the 100-day review period.
Reviews cannot be edited while a case is open for that order.
If the seller responded to your review, you won’t be able to edit the review, even if the seller deletes their response. Let us know if you’d like us to remove your original review.
To edit your review on
To edit your review on the Bioplace app:
You can flag the review response if you suspect that it violates Bioplace’s Terms of Use. Learn how to report a review.
The Bioplace marketplace connects people looking for sustainable agroforestry energy goods with proximity sellers around Europe. Everything listed for sale on Bioplace must either be produced, designed, handpicked or sourced by you or by the manufacturer you officially represent in a specific area. All items sold on Bioplace must also follow our Prohibited Items Policy.
It is your responsibility to make sure your shop and its items are compliance with Bioplace’s policies. The images you use in your listings must also comply with our Listing Image requirements. Before buying or selling on Bioplace, please review our Terms of Use.
Here is some more information about listing items on Bioplace:
Items that fall under “Made by a seller” are physical items that are made by you, the seller.
Any items made by you, the seller must:
As a seller, you can offer your original design as a digital download, or use a third party to produce or print your design onto a physical item. This category also includes seller-prompted AI creations.
Digital items listed in your store must be made and/or designed by you, the seller. Digital items can either be premade files, or files you custom make and deliver to the buyer after purchase.
Learn more about how to manage digital listings.
Seller-prompted AI creations must disclose the use of AI.
If you work with a production partner, you must disclose that production partner in your relevant listings.
Items that fall under “Handpicked by a seller” include items that cannot be delivered by a standard courier under normal conditions, items from nature, and certain collections of items that a seller selected and curated for sale.
Items that fall under “Sourced by a seller” enable buyer creativity, like agroforestry supplies, services and solutions personalized with a buyers’ unique text or image.
Several types of items are prohibited from being sold on Bioplace, including:
In general, all items that do not correspond to the label of agroforestry, sustainability and proximity from your buyers.
As a venue, Bioplace isn’t in a position to offer legal advice or determine whether your shop content infringes someone else’s intellectual property.
If you’re not sure if your item(s) infringe someone’s intellectual property, you can contact the intellectual property owner or consult an attorney.
If Bioplace receives proper notice of intellectual property infringement, we will comply with our policy and remove the specified material.
In general, services, including rentals, are allowed to be sold on Bioplace. Services that produce a new tangible item or solution that meets our Seller Policies are welcome to be sold on Bioplace.
Reselling is welcome when you are the manufacturer’s official reseller. Reselling on Bioplace means listing an item as made when you, the seller, weren’t involved in designing or making that item. Learn more about reselling on Bioplace.
You can report a listing that appears to violate our policies. Bioplace may review and/or remove any listings that violate our policies.
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